MY WORK I am a very highly experienced and accomplished painter and decorator. I am exacting with my planning for each job and discuss with my clients prior to starting the job ALL the options available to them for their work. I call this “intelligent painting” - both in planning and execution. I don’t take shortcuts and I believe in good old fashioned CUSTOMER SERVICE for ALL my clients.
Below are a series of photographs that showcase the extensive preparation that I take with all my work and in most cases the finished job as well.
(To see the full size photograph(s) just run your computer mouse over the thumbnail photograph which will ‘pop-out’ and give you a description of the work as well!) Note! The full size images behind the thumbnail images could take up to a minute to download depending on your internet connection speed. The ‘pop-out’ full size images will not work until all the images are downloaded.
For continuing update(s) and photographs on my work I suggest you visit my FACEBOOK page on an ongoing basis.